Letting go…

Sometimes, when you want significant change, it doesn’t happen and you wonder how that is possible when you feel you want it…but in actual fact… it is not time. Sometimes, when you don’t want change, it flashes before you with such audacity that you have no choice but to accept it even when you thought you were not ready… but you actually are, as it is a calling to force shift in in your life because you were too stubborn to see it. Then, sometimes, change evolves over time with signs from life, with signs from Spirit and you know, in your Soul, the time has come to take the leap forward, and even if fear of the unknown prevails, you just know you are ready because…it is time!

There is a brilliant quote that states: “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” Indeed, how fitting, and the way my life has evolved over the years, and more recently this year, that statement could not be more apt.  I am blessed to be a Yoga teacher and to have taught so many beautiful people over the years, and many for a number of consecutive years. This is testament to their dedication and love for Yoga and to their support for me, I am forever grateful. With the old comes the new. I never truly realized how difficult it is to let go of teaching the same students for so long and how the act and sense of non-attachment could be more fitting when faced with such a decision.

This letting go is a true surrender to trusting the Universe and the act of flow. For me, this allowing of non-attachment to the outcome is my challenge to accept change and to understand that trust is paramount. Events and signs that have been revealed to me along the journey confirm that with making the decisive choice to let go, new and exciting changes are waiting for me so that I can truly move forward. I have been shown that what was has served its purpose and is no longer part of my near future.

Besides other changes that have transpired concerning my Yoga journey, I choose to finally let go of teaching a group of wonderful Yoga Souls for the last 8 & 1/2 years, to step out of my comfort zone and to venture out with joy and confidence so I can  bring about change that is now necessary in my life. Change that will bring me unlimited possibilities for abundance in every sense!

I am deeply grateful to the support, the laughter, the love and the lessons learnt with my students over the years, they have made me the teacher that I am today. I am also truly excited for what lies ahead and feel so much love to those genuinely caring fellow Yogis and authentic friends who assist to make my future dreams come to fruition.

With a heavy heart and yet a joyful spirit, I know the time has come for me to let go and to trust that God is steering me in another direction with my highest good and path to abundance in mind. I feel I need to be the one to show courage in order for exciting changes to happen in my life, and… admittedly and unashamedly with tears, I can say…..I am ready!




2 thoughts on “Letting go…

  1. Oh my heart is so sad…. but selfishly so! Thank you for the last 8 and half years of love and laughter…. you will be sorely missed. I wish for you a wealth of fulfilment and love


  2. You are the most beautiful caring person and I’m grateful that you were able to teach us for all those years and will always treasure the time spent with you and be thankful for the way you always made me feel. May your path be filled with love and abundance in all things good.


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